Food was the first box that I rooted. This was a pretty fun and easy box.
First things first, a good old nmap scan, I used nmap -sV [ip] -p-
so i could see the results of everything.
You're given some ports, a http, unknown, and a telnet.
I decided to ignore the http, and go to mysql. Using the old default creds of root:root
, I ran mysql -h [ip] -u root -p
and got into the mysql server.
After using show databases;
I changed to the Users database, and decided to run select * from User;
This gave me the creds for ramen and also gave me a flag. We love flags :)
I wanted to get another user, as ramen was a bit crap in terms of privs. I then went to the second port, and guessed to go to a website with the port(putting http://[ip].16109 into my browser.) This gave me a picture.
Maybe there was some hidden data inside the image, so I ran binwalk -e [filename]
on the image. I got a gzip, so I went into it and ran binwalk -e [filename]
again. This gave me pasta's creds.
I used SSH on pasta, and found some interesting things, that we'll get back to later :p
Finally, the final port, probably the easiest.
After running a quick telnet [IP] 46969,
I get greeted by tccr:uwjsasqccywsg, which is obviously encrypted with a caesar cipher. Decrypting this, I get food creds. more creds for the collection!
Going back to pasta, I wanted to get a root shell. is an amazing resorce for helping to priv esc on linux.
Using this to help, I ran find / -uid 0 -perm -4000 -type f 2>/dev/null
to see some of those sweet sweet binaries.
Some of the binaries seemed sus, so I ran a great script from here:
I ran this, and decided to run a quick whoami to see who I was, and I was root.
Now go out, and blue team!
Last updated